Wednesday, June 25, 2008
yup i'm in china.... still am in china.... and will still be in china for the next 1 1/2 months, and till then... i'll still be in china.. so ya...
few activities that i've missed...
AKE '08
dive trip to Aur
diving at UWS
baOC '08
Euro '08
SHIT lot of rugby trainings...
hope not to miss conservation trip to Aur (anyone wanna donate money??)
anyway yaa work sucks, pay sucks, food sucks. but still managed to find the bright side of things here.. though it was hard to do so, but still managed to =D thank god.
TAGBOARD REPLIES(thanks to the internet here i cant reply on the board)Almond- of course miss u la, and also miss birthday treats... zzz basket...
Jingyi- Hiya, ya of course i remember u! last time we met was on 174 towards orchard.. haha how you doing?? good i hope?
9:25 PM
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
hello hello everyone, i'm back after 5months! thanks alot arh johnny for "reminding" me... now in china arh, si bei jialat arh, mountain food sucks man, city food better arh, so bloody cheap, BLoody expensive retaurant here, sooooo cheap. tsk tsk cant take it. ITS SOOOO CHEAP.
MR eugene CHAN, err can do some special reccommendation here for u arh, got lots of XMM here waiting especially for u!

anyway here's a very late update for u kaypohs. Some photos for u to enjoy.

lazy go and organize arh, u all slowly scroll through and see hor.
the scenery here ok la... quite sian arh see the same thing for 6 months...
no kayaking arh, only got rubber dinghy, this one cannot do row arh FYI
Show u all some of the food here

There u go, i'll stop here, if got anything else then i update... or should i say i'll update when i feel like it... 5months later?
11:33 AM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
so recently i applied for the OIAP thing for guilin resort, even though i wasnt interested at first coz the thought of leaving for 6 months was scary at first coz i would be able to see my frens and the thought of leaving everything behind for 6 months was bad enough coz i would not be able to do like a heck load of things like ake'08, and also more importantly not being able to go to church when i just joined, i would definitely miss church frens... definitely, no doubt about it. Being able to go is definitely an honor also will be fruitful and exciting experience for me, i can also prove alot of people wrong in a way that a person like me with such a lousy gpa can still make it for a overseas attachment and that i still have hope even though i'm not really doing well in my studies. However i'm definitely worried that i might fail a module. and i am really dammmmm worried because i ahve made it this far and i dun wanna throw it all away. i'm seriously worried sick. But if all goes well and i'm there for good, well 6months, i will definitely miss all my frens over here and trust me when i say that i really mean it. But hey! on the bright side, i'll be able to get a psp for going to china haha. thats quite cool eh. hopefully theres wireless there if not arh, no msn sure die one.... but ya wish me luck!! =D
9:27 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
its my 100th post, cool eh technically things that has been happening has happened and past, but then there are still current matters that hasnt been solved yet. Sometimes when i think about it it just makes me wonder. Sometimes it just hurts so much, it just hurts and i feel like dying.But then again that really isnt the solution to the problem. When things happens, it happens soo quickly that one doesnt have the time to react to it and then when the situation has past, u think back and wonder wad you could've done to salvage the situation instead of looking forward to see wad u should do next time to avoid it. Then again, u'd be wondering if there really is a solution, thinking wad is the most desirable route that u should take. Most of the time the most desirable ain't the right one.
I could say there have been alot of things that has happened recently, and i honestly think, i'm too inexperienced to even try and solve these problems, then again i wanna do everything in my ability to try and help out. But concurrently, things have also been happening to me also and how can i try to help people when i cant even help myself? It just seems so hard to help myself, and much easier to help others. When i look at it, i really dunno wad to do, or wad i should do that will seem best for my future. The future just seems so blur to me right now
12:10 AM
Sunday, December 02, 2007
whew same as before, guess its been a long time since i blogged haha
recently alot of stuff has been happening and also been feeling kinda shitty, not coz that i'm sick, but coz of other stuff i guess, sometimes its just one of those days where nothin seems to be able to go right, no matter how much u want it to be right. it just sucks. but still i guess life has to go on, things still has to be done and stuff. luckily i'm not pessimistic enough to be neurotic. lol. that would be bad for anyone.
anyway, i wanna watch movie!! i cant stand not watching movie!! all the dam nice shows are passing me by!! grahhhhhh it sucks, and recently been popping shoulders?!?(its ridiculously bad) guess i needa rest more, also IVP's starting next tuesday, hopefully we do well?? haha hopefully!
anyway too lazy to blog also.. i guess its just guys haha or maybe its just me...heh yup
anyway hope theres not going to be too much stress and problems for me in the near future, and hopefully things will turn out fine...
8:44 PM
Sunday, November 04, 2007
its been a long time since i've bogged and much has happened over this period of time, attachment is long over (thank goodness!!!)school started and the much ahted projects and assignments are coming in and its not just 1 or 2 its like tens of thousands or them! good gosh....
anyway benn going to training recently, found out that i had a very very very very high probability of not being able to play IVP, and thats dammm demoralising and its all because of the stupid attachment, made me miss the 2months training at padang shit.
was driving down the singapore river the other day, first time i drove in that area, it was dammm cool la! is like if it was national day at that time, i would've had front row seats to the whole parade! we went all the way up the river till we reached clarke quay and its was dammmm cool, even though we were towing dragon boats, it was a whole new experience for me. the uncle with me was damm funny also la, when we had to carry this super uber heavy bunch of metal pipes which was jammed into the kallang river, it need 3 guys to do so, when we finally got it out, the uncle started spouting vulgarities,i was like laughing like hell la! anyway it was cool la.. BUT NO MONEY!! CLARENCE!!!!!!!!!!! tell me got money then no money!!!!!!!!!! OMGGGG. ended up with a badass sun burn. this is wad happens when u forget to bring sunblock lotion....
anyway alotttt has happened, i'm too lazy to type anymore
11:23 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
sooo lets see wads been happening.......
attachment????? yup exactly nothing but attachment...... and it kinda sucks!!!!!! i mean wait... kinda is like a understatement.. its totally sucks!!!! my gosh.. i meant work sucks, colleagues are a different thing... ahaha! for those who know wad i mean yaaaaaaaa lol for those who dun, lets fill u in, work is like 7 people in one stupid office, out of those 7, 2 are guys, out of those 2 guys, 1 of them is the boss... so ya u'll probably get a rough idea of the situation... yup!
anywayyy thats wad i'll most likely be saying if u ask me how's my holidays, even though i dun even have holidays and i know wad it means to cherish ur weekends coz it passes so quickly!! my gosh.....still cant go for training and that freaking sucks! i doubt i'll play IVP, which i have been hell most looking forward to! i have to cancel all plans i've made for holidays... i've probably been saying this like 1001 times...
so ya dun really have much to say coz the feeling now is like seriously no life alarm goes off at 7, actually wake up at 7.35, bath until like 8 or so... then drop back on the bed to slp for another 10mins... change and eat some stuff till like 815, take the bus and reach tanjong pagar at like 845... go 7-11 buy things to drink, wait till like 858 then go up office... work like 12.15 then go lunch till like 1.15 then work till like 630 go home... use com, watch tv and slp again... try that for 5 weeks and i think u'll probably end up like shit and thats wad i am now...
10:24 PM