Sunday, November 04, 2007

its been a long time since i've bogged and much has happened over this period of time, attachment is long over (thank goodness!!!)school started and the much ahted projects and assignments are coming in and its not just 1 or 2 its like tens of thousands or them! good gosh....

anyway benn going to training recently, found out that i had a very very very very high probability of not being able to play IVP, and thats dammm demoralising and its all because of the stupid attachment, made me miss the 2months training at padang shit.

was driving down the singapore river the other day, first time i drove in that area, it was dammm cool la! is like if it was national day at that time, i would've had front row seats to the whole parade! we went all the way up the river till we reached clarke quay and its was dammmm cool, even though we were towing dragon boats, it was a whole new experience for me. the uncle with me was damm funny also la, when we had to carry this super uber heavy bunch of metal pipes which was jammed into the kallang river, it need 3 guys to do so, when we finally got it out, the uncle started spouting vulgarities,i was like laughing like hell la! anyway it was cool la.. BUT NO MONEY!! CLARENCE!!!!!!!!!!! tell me got money then no money!!!!!!!!!! OMGGGG. ended up with a badass sun burn. this is wad happens when u forget to bring sunblock lotion....

anyway alotttt has happened, i'm too lazy to type anymore

11:23 AM

Name: Ian Tan Chin Woo
schools: Acs(p)->Acs(Br)->NgeeAnnPoly B.S. 18

loves: Food, desserts,pool, rugby, diving, swimming, cannoeing, movie-ing, boating
Hates: Running(dun make me run), f-up people, vege, 2nd hand smoke
Sometimes he's stupid
sometimes he's blur
sometimes he's abit crazy
sometimes he's a little tiny bit sane
But nonetheless, he's just trying hard, sometimes not hard enough


-Candy- -ChunLai- -DEAN the MAN- -EugeneChan- -Feli- -Fennie- -Jiexi- -JunHui- -Johnny- -Jeanette- -Lawsonn- -MarioJC- -Perlyn- -Peiqin- -Qiaoyu- -Sarah- -YvonneLim- -ZhiWei-



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